Curriculum Vitae
Mr Andrew M.C. Thomas FRCS
Name: Andrew Martin Charles THOMAS
Nationality: British
Exeter School 1965-1972
The London Hospital Medical College 1972-1977
The University of Pennsylvania May-July 1977
Degrees and Diplomas:
M.B.,B.S. London 1977
F.R.C.S. Edinburgh 1982
F.R.C.S. England 1983
F.R.C.P London 2021
Professional Registration:
Full UK GMC registration, licence to practice, Revalidated 2020-25
On the specialist register for Trauma and Orthopaedic surgery.
Registration number: 2413396
Professional Indemnity:
The Medical Protection Society
Membership number: 220803
Awards and scholarships:
John Dove Travelling Fellowship Nov 1985
Ethicon Foundation Fellowship Feb 1990
BOA Best Poster Prize Sept 1990
John Charnley Trust Visiting Fellowship Jan 1991
Royal Society Japan Travel Award Dec 1990
Furlong Best Hip Research Presentation March 2016
Hunterian Professor of Surgery,
The Royal College of Surgeons of England 2020
HPC Wire: Best use of HPC in Life Sciences 2021
Professional fellowships and memberships:
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicans of London
Member of the British Orthopaedic Research Society
Member of the British Hip Society
Member of the Healthcare Infection Society
Member of the Aerosol Society
Member of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine
Fellow of the British Orthopaedic Association
Member of the British Medical Association
Professional Background:
My present appointment is as Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon to the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. I have 25 years experience as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in this post.
I have an extensive clinical practice in joint replacement surgery, with special interests in the management of rheumatoid arthritis patients, revision joint replacement, total elbow replacement and hip resurfacing.
I have a long background in Orthopaedic research with over 30 publications in learned journals in both clinical and basic science research, including bioengineering.
My work has been recognised by my appointment as Hunterian Professor of Surgery 2020, by The Royal College of Surgeons of England.
I have previously been appointed as a Visiting Professor by the Department of Optical Engineering at Cranfield University.
Currently I am engaged in a multidisciplinary research programme in the mechanisms of airborne infection in ultraclean operating theatres. I have collaborations with the Hospital Infection Research Laboratory at the University Hospital Birmingham, with the Department of Chemical Engineering Department at The University of Birmingham and the Public Health England laboratory at Porton Down.
This work has been recognised with the Furlong prize awarded by the British Orthopaedic research Society.
In my clinical work I also see patients with back pain and sciatica and I have a research background in lumbar spine disorders. In my clinical research work I have been responsible for the recent development of the computer interview system for back pain we used at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital.
I have served as the Medical Director of the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust and I am now a member of the Professional Practice Committee of The British Orthopaedic Association, which gives means I have expertise in clinical governance and risk management.
I have served on Department of Health groups on surgical instrument decontamination and operating theatre microbiology testing.
I engage in orthopaedic private practice at the Priory Hospital, Birmingham and the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. I have a medico-legal private practice which is approximately an equal mixture of plaintiff and defendant work and some joint instructions I accept around 75 new instructions per year.
I have experience of giving evidence in clinical negligence cases for the Medical Protection Society, NHS Resolution and for plaintiffs.
I have experience in major international product liability claims.
I have experience of giving evidence in Court in clinical negligence and personal injury claims and in attending the Coroner’s Court in relation both to trauma practice and on behalf of the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust.
Previous Appointments
House Physican in Medicine
Dr FM McGown
Oldchurch Hospital, Romford
House Surgeon in Surgery and Orthopaedics
Mr Brian Roper, Mr Basil Helal, Mr Mike Pilcher and
Professor HD Ritchie
The London Hospital
SHO in A&E and Orthopaedics
Mr Paul Stableforth and Mr John Newman
Bristol Royal Infirmary
SHO in Surgery
Sir Alan Parks
The London Hospital
SHO in Neurosurgery
Mr David Hardy, Mr TT King and Professor ES Watkins
The London Hospital
SHO Rotation in General and Vascular Surgery and Orthopaedics
Mr RP Boggon, Mr C Moore and Mr MB Haywood-Waddington
Chelmsford Hospitals
Surgical Registrar Rotation in General and Vascular Surgery and Urology
Mr MW Mee and Mr JM Towler
The Luton and Dunstable Hospital
Registrar in Neurosurgery
Mr JJ McMillan and Mr AD Hockley
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Registrar in Trauma and Orthopaedics
Mr JR Pearson, Mr PEH Wilson, Mr AG Thompson, Mr JCT Fairbank,
Mr RJ Cherry and Mr NPStJ Dwyer
The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital and
East Birmingham Hospital
Senior Registrar in Trauma and Orthopaedics
Mr ME Blakemore, Mr JC Clegg, Mr PJ Mulligan, Mr KM Porter and
Mr Derek McMinn
The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital and
The Birmingham Accident Hospital
John Charnley Fellow in Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgery
Princess Margaret Rose Hospital, Edinburgh
Mr William Souter and Mr Peter Abernethy
Royal Society Japan Travel Fellowship
University of Toyama, Japan
Professor H Tsuji
Osaka City University
Dr K Asada
Scientific Publications:
My scientific publications in books and peer reviewed scientific journals:
Analysis of the airflow features and ventilation efficiency of an Ultra-Clean-Air operating theatre by qDNS simulations and experimental validation.
Carlos A. Duque-Daza; Jairo Murillo-Rincón; Andrés S. Espinosa-Moreno; Federico Alberini; Alessio Alexiadis; Diego A. Garzón-Alvarado; Andrew M.C. Thomas;
Mark J.H. Simmons
Building and Environment
DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111444
LAT1 enables T cell activation under inflammatory conditions.
Ogbechi J, Wright HL et al.
J Autoimmun. 2023 Jul;138:103031. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2023.103031. Epub May 23.
Letter to the Editor: Postoperative Infection After Total Hip Replacement With Special Reference to Air Contamination in the Operating Room.
Thomas AM, Wilkinson MA.
Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2023 May 1;481(5):1053-1054.
doi: 10.1097/CORR.0000000000002589. Epub 2023 Feb 16.
Changes in orthopaedic operating theatre practice, monitored using settle plates.
Thomas AM, Wilkinson MA, Garvey MI.
Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2022 Sep;104(8):600-604. doi: 10.1308/rcsann.2021.0328.
Updated Briefing & Guidance on Considerations for the Ventilation Aspects of Healthcare Facilities for Coronavirus
Poplett A et al. (Clinical advisor)
Specialised Ventilation for Healthcare Society Document SVHSoc.03-V4.
Use of Disposable Perioperative Jackets and Surgical Site Infections.
Thomas AM.
JAMA Surg. 2020 Mar 4. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2019.6371
The effectiveness of ultra-clean air operating theatres in the prevention of deep infection in joint arthroplasty surgery.
Thomas AM, Simmons MJ.
Bone Joint J. 2018 Oct;100-B(10):1264-1269.
Effect of an exfoliating skincare regimen on the numbers of epithelial squames on the skin of operating theatre staff, studied by surface microscopy.
Wernham AG, Cain OL, Thomas AM.
J Hosp Infect. 2018 Oct;100(2):190-194.
Aspirin and the prevention of venous thromboembolism following total joint arthroplasty: commonly asked questions.
Azboy I, Barrack R, Thomas AM, Haddad FS, Parvizi J.
Bone Joint J. 2017 Nov;99-B(11):1420-1430.
Priming in response to pro-inflammatory cytokines is a feature of adult synovial but not dermal fibroblasts.
Crowley T, O'Neil JD, Adams H, Thomas AM, Filer A, Buckley CD,
Clark AR.
Arthritis Res Therap.
2017 Feb 10;19(1):35
Oxford scores as a triage tool for lower limb arthroplasty lead to discrimination and health inequalities.
Robb CA, McBryde CW, Caddy SJ, Thomas AM, Pynsent PB.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Supp 2013; 95: 1-4
Choice Framework for local Policy and Procedures 01-01: Management and decontamination of surgical instruments (medical devices) used in acute care.
Andrew Thomas
(Co-author on behalf of the Royal College of Surgeons of England)
DOH publications 2012
Hip abductor re-attachment audited using a wire marker.
Gulraj M, Thomas AM, Pynsent PB.
Acta Orthopaedica Belgica.
77-4, 494-496, 2011.
The response of T cells to interleukin-6 is differentially regulated by the microenvironment of the rheumatoid synovial fluid and tissue.
Hidalgo E, Essex SJ, Yeo L, Curnow SJ, Filer A, Cooper MS,
Thomas AM, McGettrick HM, Salmon M, Buckley CD, Raza K,
Scheel-Toellner D.
Arthritis Rheum
2011 Nov;63(11):3284-93
The influence of head size and sex on the outcome of Birmingham hip resurfacing.
McBryde CW, Theivendran K, Thomas AM, Treacy RB, Pynsent PB.
J Bone Joint Surg Am.
2010 Jan;92(1):105-12
Synergistic induction of local glucocorticoid generation by inflammatory cytokines and glucocorticoids: implications for inflammation associated bone loss.
Kaur K, Hardy R, Ahasan MM, Eijken M, van Leeuwen JP, Filer A,
Thomas AM, Raza K, Buckley CD, Stewart PM, Rabbitt EH,
Hewison M, Cooper MS.
Ann Rheum Dis
2010; 69(6):1185-90.
Galectin 3 induces a distinctive pattern of cytokine and chemokine production in rheumatoid synovial fibroblasts via selective signaling pathways.
Filer A, Bik M, Parsonage GN, Fitton J, Trebilcock E, Howlett K, Cook M, Raza K, Simmons DL, Thomas AM, Salmon M, Scheel-Toellner D, Lord JM, Rabinovich GA, Buckley CD.
Arthritis Rheum
2009 Jun;60(6):1604-14.
Intertrochanteric fracture below Birmingham Hip Resurfacing: Successful non-operative management in two cases.
Morgan D, Myers, G, O’Dwyer K, Thomas AM.
Injury Extra
2008 39, 313—315
Changes in body weight following lower limb arthroplasty.
Mughal E, Desai P, Ashraf F, Khan Y, Dunlop D, Treacy RB,
and Thomas AM.
J Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings
Jul 2008; 90-B: 319.
The influence of surgical approach on outcome in Birmingham Hip Resurfacing.
McBryde CJ, Revell MP, Thomas AM, Treacy RB, Pynsent PB.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.
Apr;466(4):920-6, 2008.
Chapter in: Modern Hip Resurfacing
McMinn, Derek J.W. (Ed.)
Springer 2008
ISBN: 978-1-84800-087-2
Differential Survival of Leukocyte Subsets Mediated by Synovial, Bone Marrow, and Skin Fibroblasts
Filer A, Thomas AM, Lord J, Salmon M, Buckley CD.
Arthritis and Rheumatism.
54, No. 7, July 2006, pp 2096–2108
Metatarsal head resection in the rheumatoid foot: 5-year follow-up with and without resection of the first metatarsal head.
Hulse N., Thomas AM.
J Foot Ankle Surg.
2006 Mar-Apr;45(2):107-12.
Anaemia in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis recovering from revision of a hip replacement.
Prabu A, Bhosle J, Duddy MJ, Thomas AM, Rankin EC.
Rheumatology (Oxford).
2005 Nov;44 (11): 1461
The role of leukocyte-stromal interactions in chronic inflammatory joint disease.
Burman A, Haworth O, Bradfield P, Parsonage G, Filer A, Thomas AM, Amft N, Salmon M, Buckley CD.
Joint Bone Spine.
2005 Jan;72(1):10-6.
Detection of differentially expressed genes in synovial fibroblasts by restriction fragment differential display.
Scaife S, Brown R, Kellie S, Filer A, Martin S, Thomas AM, Bradfield PF, Amft N, Salmon M, Buckley CD.
Rheumatology (Oxford).
2004 Nov;43(11):1346-52.
Rheumatoid fibroblast-like synoviocytes overexpress the chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1 (CXCL12), which supports distinct patterns and rates of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell migration within synovial tissue.
Bradfield PF, Amft N, Vernon-Wilson E, Exley AE, Parsonage G, Rainger GE, Nash GB, Thomas AM, Simmons DL, Salmon M, Buckley CD.
Arthritis and Rheumatism
2003 Sep;48(9):2472-82.
Debridement arthroplasty for osteoarthritis of the elbow.
Pimpalnerkar AL, Sloan R, Thomas AM.
J Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings
Jul 2002; 84-B: 171.
Measuring Performance in the NHS: What Really Matters?
Appleby J, Thomas AMC.
British Medical Journal.
320:1464-1467, 2000.
Growth of Pakistani children in relation to the 1990 growth standards
Kelly AM, Shaw NJ, Thomas AM, Pynsent PB, Baker DJ
Archives of Disease in Childhood
77: 401-405, 1997.
Multiple Rice Body Formation of Chronic Sub-acromial/Sub-deltoid Bursitis
Griffith JH, Pels WC, Evans NS, Smallman LA, Won RW, Thomas AM.
Clinical Radiology
51: 511-514, 1996.
Chapter: Measurement of Vertebral Bloodflow and its significance in Disc Disease
In: Lumbar Spine Disorders, Current Concepts
Editors Aspden and Porter.
World Scientific 1995.
Surgical Management of Haemangioendothelioma of the Spine.
Marks DS, Thomas AM, Thompson AG, Mills S.
European Spine Journal
4: 186-190, 1995.
Chapter: The Spine
In: Outcome Measures in Orthopaedics
Editors Pynsent, Fairbank and Carr.
Butterworth 1993.
The Effect of Polymethylmethacrylate Bone Cement Vibration on the Bone-Cement Interface.
Thomas AMC, McMinn DJW, McCall I, Haddaway M.
Cells and Materials
2: 163-168, 1992.
Methods of Testing for Orthopaedic Bone Staples,
McCombe PF, Thomas AMC, Pynsent PB, Thompson AG.
Journal of the American Society for Testing and Materials.
April 1992.
The response of the human femur to mechanical vibration
Thomas AMC, Luo DZ, Dunn JW.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering
13: 58-60, 1991.
Pullout force of power-driven staples in cadaveric femoral metaphysis McCombe PF, Thomas AMC, Pynsent PB, Thompson AG.
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
4: 158-162, 1990.
Benign haemangioma of bone in a middle phalanx
Thomas AMC, Mulligan PJ, Jones L.
Journal of Hand Surgery
15(4): 484-486, 1990.
A computer interview system for patients with back pain
Thomas AMC, Fairbank JCT, Pynsent PB, Baker D.
14: 844-846, 1989.
The BOA Orthopaedic Growth Record
Thomas AMC.
Ware: Castlemead Publications
November 1989.
Effect of low frequency vibration on the flow of polymethymethacrylate bone cement
Thomas AMC, Dunn JW, Luo DZ.
The Lancet, letters
i: 116-7, 1988.
Retained surgical swab debris in post laminectomy arachnoiditis and peridural fibrosis
Hoyland J, Freemont AJ, Denton J, Thomas AMC, McMillan JJ, Jayson MIV.
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
70B: 659-662, 1988.
The microsurgical treatment of lumbar disc protrusion
Thomas AMC, Afshar F.
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
69-B: 696-698, 1987.
Rest pain and leg ulceration due to syphilitic osteomyelitis of the tibia
Waltzman M, Wade AAH, Drake SM, Thomas AMC.
British Medical Journal 293: 804-805, 1986.
Incompetent perforating vein ligation in the treatment of venous ulceration
Thomas, AMC, Tomlinson PJ, Boggon, RP.
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
68: 214-215, 1986.
Venous ulceration in hypogonadal men
Thomas AMC.
The Lancet, letters
1982ii: 1103.
Simultaneous presentation of two cerebral arterial aneurysms
Thomas AMC.
Postgraduate Medical Journal
60: 135-136, 1984.
Bromocriptine induced cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea
Afshar F, Thomas AMC.
Surgical Neurology
18: 61-63, 1983.